Eliminate underlying causes of RSI

Improve your working conditions

We all know now what long days of computer work can do. The best remedy is to take enough pauses and make exercises. Still, why not further reduce the effect of what intrinsically makes computer work damaging? Computer work is highly sedentary and working with the wrists on the table, face in the direction of the display molds us into the wrong shape. This way our blood circulation is reduced and our muscles don't function optimally, making us more susceptible to RSI. We recommend to keep investing in yourself:

  1. Wear the keyboard
  2. Get rid of the mouse (as we know it)
  3. Vary positions

Computer work: causes of RSI

  • The 'normal'

    • Keyboard fixed to the desk
    • Limited area for the Mouse
    • Elbows in front of the shoulders
    • Single static posture
    • Wrist under angles
    • Little pinky does most of the work
  • S-Curve in cervical spine, shoulders to front


  • Extension, ulnar deviation, pronation

  • Pinky doing most of the work, often in unfavorable spread positions

Improve the posture

  • Prevent S-Curve

    Wrists don't require to be on the desk:

    • Less tempted to lean forward, with upper neck correction
    • Elbows below or behind the shoulders as they should

    This really is a major benefit distinguishing Typeware from the regular ergonomical keyboard and mouse suppliers.

  • Only Atlas and Index joints moving?

    With a static posture, scanning left, right, up and down is mostly done by the Atlas and Index. Using the Typeware device, the head, shoulders, hands and waist can all orient towards the area of interest. Get rid of the unnatural and conflicting postures!

Get rid of the mouse

  • Arm movement out of the center of the body

  • Lean on pisiform joint or pronate

  • Mouse buttons have low travel, high weight, are very clicky

  • Control?

    Can't draw, can't write

Your arms are free to move with Typeware hand tracking. Hands are not bound to the desk, the Elbow near the core of the body. Mouse function does also work when choosing control the display in a more classic fashion, with the hand moving horizontally over the table.

Head Support

Head supports are a controversial topic. According to most guidelines, the head should be balanced and doesn't need support. However, also the neck gets tired and a head support provides a way to rest, (even more important for people with specific conditions e.g. as with artrosis.)

With the Typeware device, you can use the head support and still have your arms in a healthy pulled back position. This makes the reclining position (ref. OSHA) much more comfortable.

Extended Reality: the mobile display

When XR displays deliver on their promise they will provide an alternative over a laptop or tablet thanks to it's large view, small footprint, and portability.

When pairing up the Typeware device with an Extended Reality display, the entire need for a desk including display is gone. Though looking a bit odd right now, this opens the door to exciting possibilities.

See this page to learn more about how Typeware will have an important role in the 'future of work'.

OSHA reference postures

The Occupational Safety and Health Association has defined 4 reference positions which they consider ok, with the guideline to alternate between them.

Upright: less tempting to lean on the desk. Elbows can go back more for an even better weight equilibrium of the arm

Standing: standing less static. Unbalance coming from standing doesn't hurt productivity with all typing activities being relative

Declining: same as for 'Upright'

Reclining: can lean to back and head support. No problem that distance between arms and desk (keyboard) becomes larger