Typeware joins the 3EALITY hub

Typeware becomes a resident of the 3eality hub, which places Typeware in the heart of this technology ecosystem, located at the Eindhoven High Tech Campus.

Does that make Typeware a typical 'XR' company? No. However, it is a recognition that these are developments that over time will effect us all and that the combination of Typeware with XR is very exciting.

Even though currently no AR glasses exist yet that meet all the requirements, Typeware is investigating the new opportunies that XR provides. For spatial computing, designers will prefer tools that go beyond the traditional 2D mouse and keyboard.

Also, imagine that not only the desk-bound mouse and keyboard are gone, but also the display. This provides interesting opportunities for the reintegration of people with severe back problems or motor impairments.

image: in the 3eality presentation room

More about 3eality: https://www.hightechcampus.com/3eality

More about the High Tech Campus: https://www.hightechcampus.com/about-us

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